Have you ever felt like God’s hands are tied and he can’t do anything about your situation? Like he’s just too busy to be bothered with your questions and issues or like he’s just too far away? On my drive back home the other night after a long and busy day, I felt God speaking to me that sometimes I treat him as if he can’t handle what I’m dealing with and that I sometimes treat him as if his time and resources are limited.

Whoa! Not me…?

Hmmm, maybe.

Yes, ok…sometimes….?!

I even act like he doesn’t have the capacity to help me with my questions, and I pull back when there’s a lot happening outside of my control instead of leaning in to him more.

I was challenged by this realization so I repented and asked God to help me see areas where I’ve limited him, and for his help to release these areas as he reveals them to me. I’ve also been praying for God to help me see him more as a loving father and king, one who is unlimited in his resources AND love for me, and one who I can access any time day or night. He reminded me that he ALWAYS has time for me, and I can come to him with everything. 

Matthew 11:28-30 says, “ Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

So as a testimony from this week that I hope encourages you, I found myself communicating with God even more for random daily stuff in my life – inviting him in to mundane tasks, saying thank you and showing gratitude when he helps me, expressing child-like freedom in asking questions (i.e. – What should I wear today? Should I drive or take the train? How should I respond to this…?) and I’ve had more peace and clarity even as activities and deadlines really picked up in my schedule this week. I’m learning not to add a self-imposed time limitation to God as if he’s a department store Santa Claus and I only have a few precious moments to sit on his lap before I’ll be ushered off by the elves for taking up too much of his time.  Learning not to limit God.