The bombardment of thoughts and negativity will come whenever my focus shifts to myself and away from God. When I focus on my own shortcomings and what I am not, or the times that I have failed, or the times that I have a let myself down and others down, then these thoughts will make me feel disqualified and I will feel rejected. But that is not the truth. My thoughts are not the truth.
Subtitle: Thinking about my personal testimony It’s all a process. Life is a process. I’m a work in progress, and it’s not over. I am becoming more aware and (by God’s grace) more intentional each day about getting to know God and spending time with Him. He is...
I just came up with a simple series of filtering questions to help me personally answer the question, “Is God speaking to me?” 1) Is this thought comparing? 2) Is it condescending and dishonoring? 3) Is this thought inciting fear? 4) Is it promoting disunity? If I...
Was journaling this morning and started thinking about the things in my life that have kept me from pursuing a deeper relationship with God over the years. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a personal reflection that I think others can relate to...